If You Think A Good Thing.. Say It

Twice today I was amazed and encouraged by the simple little things that were said to me. TWICE.

From a text from my cousin saying she enjoys the blog and wishes she could get married again so that I could take their photos, to my Mom telling me that my post the other day inspired a dear friend of hers to say how thankful she is for their friendship, I was so moved.

I’m sure to the two of them, it was just a nice thought, but to me it was so much more. Not only was it encouragement to keep going with this blog adventure (even if it’s cutting into my sleep because I don’t want it cutting into family time), more importantly it was a much needed reminder.


How often do we think nice things, and then just let the thought go without ever having said anything?


I know I’m way too guilty of this.

It could be something as simple as telling someone how great they look in a new outfit, and helping repair a crumbling self-confidence that you didn’t know had even one crack in it.

It could be telling the very-tired looking mom of 4 at the grocery store that her children are beautiful and their laughter has brightened your day.

It could be sending that text to a friend saying you hope they have a good day.


It doesn’t matter what it is – if you’re thinking nice things… say them. You never know when people need that little boost. Your honest thought that might seem so small to you could be the thing they need to hear to keep going.


As the orientation season is getting crazy, I’ve been tempted to cut back on blogging or call it an “off season”…. It’s hard working long days at work, coming home to maximize the little family time we have during the week, then starting work at 9pm or so to keep building the business, working on the BIG goals, and sticking to blogging. Weeks of averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep can chip into your motivation, especially when it feels like there’s only 3 other people reading what you are putting out there.

But it’s worth it. Even if it impacts one person, it’s worth it. And those things I heard today, they are keeping me fueled. So thank you to those who share the nice thoughts rather than letting them slip away unsaid.


Take a moment today to think about a nice thing you’ve thought lately, and haven’t said…. then Go. Say. It. Make a point to let your genuine words be a spark, a light for others. Let those words create a path for them to keep going.


6 thoughts on “If You Think A Good Thing.. Say It

  1. I tell my students – when you are auditioning with someone else, always find a compliment to tell your partner. Usually, you won’t know that person and it immediately puts that person in a good mood and “on your side.” When teaching, the positive comes first then the critique. It works wonders, not just for my students, but for us all. That was a great blog you wrote.


  2. I couldn’t agree with you more. You never know when a positive, kind thought is just what the other person needs. It doesn’t matter if you know or not. It must be hard for you to juggle all the balls you have going but you are doing a great job. I truly enjoy reading every post and you are a fantastic writer, photographer, wife and mom. Good job!


  3. Jon Mark is actually the one who taught me this lesson: the power of THANK YOU. It’s so surprising how little people hear appreciation, and how much it means when they do. Great lesson!


  4. Pingback: The Right Word | b.marie.photography - blog

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